2018 ladder reset diablo 2
2018 ladder reset diablo 2

Before S1 began, we had noted that we were aiming to have seasons last 4 months. Lastly, I wanted to clear up on the S2 timing as there is a bunch of confusion on this and honestly it is 100% understandable why there is confusion. The desire is high, but we want to get this nailed down for ladder play first and will move into looking at it for offline afterwards. I can say that it is being looked into but for now, I would expect this to be a Ladder S2 feature as we are able to make tweaks to online numbers on the fly while SP has diff values for XP and needs to be tuned differently. Lastly, I know there were a lot of voices wanting this in SP.We appreciate those who offered their thoughts on this.

2018 ladder reset diablo 2

We will have more info on unlock conditions for TZ and how long each zone will be terrorized as well.I expect it to create a bit of a shift in build/class opportunities for players. The team has some ideas on this and we will be sharing that soon. Players found some of the TZ content to be easy but we also can determine what characters played on PTR who offered that specific feedback and we noticed a lot of this came from Hammerdin players.Players were noticing some zones were kind of not great for Terror Zones so expect some to be moved out and some others be moved in.

2018 ladder reset diablo 2

We are going to see if we can fit something in the existing timeline for right now, but if we can’t we may use some of the buffer between Patch 2.5 hitting and Season 2 starting to ensure we can get some additional game time from players on some of the Terror Zone items. Extending PTR to continue to test and iterate will of course hold those two dates back. We are running up against some scheduling timelines and want to make sure we can get 2.5 out the door sooner rather than later and get Season 2 kicked off for ladder.

2018 ladder reset diablo 2

There may be another iteration of PTR as the team wants to implement some items based off of the feedback but that is still being determined. The team was spending the last week going through the survey information and community reports from PTR. But wanted to provide a few updates here. Hey all – Apologies for the silence on the PTR front.

  • More precise dates to arrive in the next week.
  • Season 2 to start a week or two after 2.5 hits.
  • 2.5 PTR may be extended to implement changes.
  • Season 2 taking longer than expected due to trying to perfect Terror Zone feature

    2018 ladder reset diablo 2

    There’s a lot of information which we don’t want to get lost, so we’ve quoted the full announcement just below for anyone who wants to read all the nitty gritty details. A big update for you on this Friday, as Diablo Community Manager PezRadar (Adam Fletcher) has provided fans with a quick update on the state of the Diablo 2 Resurrected PTR and the forthcoming 2.5 update.

    2018 ladder reset diablo 2